Apr 222024


A little late with the post, but better late than never. We had a short week, but still managed to get a lot done.

In language arts we learned about Haiku, and wrote haiku riddle poems about animals.

In french we finally finished our All About Me projects.

In social studies we finished off our heritage fair posters and family trees. The fair was a success, with many visitors and families coming in to learn and share about their culture.

In science we presented our human body inquiry slide shows. They were all well informed, though some students went a little overboard with silly pictures.

In math we learned about fractions of sets, so 5/6 of 24 is 20, and 3/5 of 30 is 18.

On Wednesday Spencer came to visit and discussed what school like would be like next year. We will be discussing possible placements with friends next week.

Next week we are starting a novel study book group, reading one of three books: Island, Everest, and Dive. We will learn about cinquane poetry, helping us practice more rhyming words. We will start our look at the rock cycle  in science.

I hope you all had a good weekend, and see you Monday.

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